Understanding Nursing A Little BetterUnderstanding Nursing Homes a Little Better

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Understanding Nursing A Little Better

Oftentimes, people don't think too seriously about nursing homes until they are faced with the prospect of having to live in a nursing facility from one time or another. However, there are dozens of varieties of nursing homes, and it really pays to understand how they work and what is best for you. For instance, some nursing homes are centered around independent living, while others are more focused on helping people to overcome injuries or illnesses. On this blog, you will be able to find great tips and tricks to understand nursing, so you aren't left wondering how to handle issues as they come.


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3 Signs Your Loved One Needs An Alzheimer's Care Provider

When a loved one has Alzheimer's, it is tempting to try to take care of them by yourself. In the beginning, when they are just experiencing small bouts of memory loss, that may be possible. As the disease progresses, though, it can become difficult to provide all the care that they need. That is when you may want to bring in an Alzheimer's care professional to help you take care of your loved one.

#1: The Condition of Their House Has Changed

As Alzheimer's starts to grip your loved one's mind, they are not going to be able to keep their home in the same state that they previously kept their home. You may notice that their home is not that clean and that their home is messier than they would have previously allowed their home to get. You may notice and find things in places they don't belong, like food in the drawers in the bathroom and clothing in the kitchen.

Your loved one needs a clean house in order to have a safe environment. Especially as one ages and experiences more mobility issues and a weakened immune system, having a safe environment is so important. You need to bring someone in who can keep your loved one's home organized and safe.

#2: They Are Losing Weight

When your loved one's Alzheimer's advances, they may not remember to eat or how to cook. They may no longer be able to safely cook a meal for themselves. This may be obvious by the mess in their kitchen and by weight loss. If they are losing weight and no longer able to take care of their own dietary needs, that is where an Alzheimer's care professional can help. Together, you can make sure your loved one is eating three meals a day and getting the nutrition that they need.

#3: They Are Wandering Away

Next, if your loved one is starting to leave the house and wandering away, they have reached a point where they need supervision in order to stay safe. If you are not able to provide round-the-clock supervision, it is time to bring in an Alzheimer's care specialist who can stay with your loved one when you need to sleep, work, and take care of other aspects of life. They will make sure your loved one stays safe and doesn't wander away somewhere and get harmed.

If your family member or friend with Alzheimer's is no longer able to take care of their home, prepare their own meals, or know where they should be, it is time to bring in an Alzheimer's care professional to help you take care of them.